Hostak, Henzl & Bichler
840 Lake Avenue, Suite 300Racine, WI 53403
Phone: 262-632-7541

Wrap up 2020… we have a lot to reflect on

As we wrap up 2020 we have a lot to reflect on.  Coronavirus took a toll on our community, our friends and families, and our clients.  As essential workers we were able to continue to provide necessary services to our clients and we feel privileged to have done so.  We set up curbside signings and virtual meetings.  We all learned new technologies that can continue to serve us beyond the pandemic.  As we look toward 2021 we see a light at the end of what has been a long dark tunnel for many.  The availability of vaccines mean we will soon be able to again shake hands, hug, and meet face to face, without masks, and see each other’s smiles.

Thank you for supporting each other and us during this difficult time.  And as you wrap up your 2020, We wish all of you a safe and healthy holiday season and a brighter 2021.  -HHB


Hostak, Henzl & Bichler Resources:

Our practice areas:

State and Circuit Court Links:


Wrap up 2020 Community Links:

The Racine Zoo Drive through light show:

Racine Theater Guild “Signature Spotlight: Home for the Holidays” concert live streaming online at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 18